Washing Machine Glossary

Washing Machine Repair

Washing Machine Glossary

Economy Button

Used when washing either light or slightly dirty loads. This allows the wash to cost less by using less water and power.

Energy Label

Shows information relating to energy usages and efficiency.
Shows details about resources used per cycle including the electricity in KiloWatt hours, load capacity in Kilograms, water usage in litres and noise levels in dB
Energy rating is given a letter from A to G, with A being the cheapest and G the most expensive.

Extra Rinse

Makes sure all the detergent has been washed away. Detergent residue can cause skin irritation to certain people.


A filter is fitted to prevent any objects blocking the pump or pipes. This is normally located at the front near the bottom for easy access.


Made to be located in an open space. All washing machines start this way and are later adapted to be integrated

Half Load

Option when washing half or light loads. Allows the washing machine to use less electricity and water. Many machines today will automatically detect and enable this option by weighing the load.


A programme which uses a low temperatures and spins for delicate items rather than having to hand wash. This reduces the chances of shrinking or colour changes.

Heavy Soil

Fills the washer with cold water only then heats internally. This prevents the stain from setting in the fabric.

KWh — Kilowatt hour

Unit of power usage — 1 KWh = Using one Kilowatt of power for one hour.
This is the unit electricity is measure in and shown on bills.

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